Anyone use e-cigarettes to quit smoking?

Personally, I was a heavy smoker for years. I tried everything from nicotine patches to cold turkey, but nothing seemed to stick. Then, I discovered vaping. At first, I was skeptical, but the ability to control the nicotine level and the variety of flavors drew me in. I started with higher nicotine content and gradually reduced it over time. The psychological comfort of mimicking the act of smoking without the harmful chemicals found in cigarettes made the transition smoother for me.

Over time, my sense of smell and taste improved, and those persistent morning coughs disappeared. My lungs feel clearer, and I don’t get out of breath as easily as before. But it’s not all smooth sailing; the temptation to pick up a cigarette during particularly stressful times is still real, and the process of finding the right e-cig setup was a journey in itself.

Has vaping helped you quit smoking or reduce your intake? What challenges have you faced during the switch?