Be Honest - Will You Still Smoke After Switching to Vaping?

Hey vaping fam, I’ve got a question that’s been on my mind. Now that you’ve made the switch from smoking to vaping, do you think you’ll still end up going back to regular old cigarettes at some point? :thinking:

Honestly, I’d love some real talk and insight from your guys on this. What has your experience been like? Have you been able to quit smoking for good, or do you still find yourself tempted to light up a cig every now and then? :sweat_drops: I’m all ears - just want to get a sense of what I might be in for. :ear:


Vaping for 7 years lost all my appreciation to the taste of cigarettes.Even i saw smokers on streets its unappealing to me now.I dont see myself coming back to it.


I have just completed four months without smoking and the truth is that I am very happy to have quit, gradually recovering the health that I had already lost after thirty years of smoking and my first device had to be the Vaporesso Xross Pro, I am enjoying this new experience and I hope it lasts a long time.


glad to hear it! ! thx for sharing :partying_face:


Same with you. After vaping for so long, cigarettes just don’t have any appeal to me. Cheers for us to moving on! :beers:


Not really. I dont smoke anymore after I get used to vaping and found great flavors. It’s just such a relief that I don’t believe why I haven’t tried it years ago. And I think I enjoy how I feel about myself and how others perceive me when I vape way much more than when I smoke.


feel happy for you and thx for your sharing :smile: :partying_face:


For me personally, I managed to quit smoking completely, although some may still feel tempted or occasionally relapse, depending on personal habits and circumstances…


Normally I wont, there is one circumstance that i will smoke——I forgot to bring my vape with me, and my friends only have cigarettes :joy:


That’s awesome to hear you quit completely! :tada: It gives me hope that it’s possible, though I get how temptation can be tough.

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Haha, I totally get that! :smile: It’s always the times when you least expect it that can throw you off. At least you’ve got a backup plan if you find yourself in that situation! Hopefully, you’ll remember your vape next time. :eyes:

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Yeah its in my pocket rn
pay up george wendt GIF