How Often Do You Change Coils? 🤔

I know the “rule” is every one to two weeks, but we all know it’s not always that clear-cut. Sometimes a coil seems to give up right away—other times it’s like it just keeps on giving. :selfie:

For me, it kind of depends on how much e-juice I’m going through. I usually keep an eye on how many mL I’ve vaped, and I’d say I tend to change coils around every 30-60mL. :pouring_liquid:If I’m running a 30mL bottle, it’s often about one bottle, sometimes two, before I notice the flavor starting to fade or get funky. With a 60mL bottle, once I’m hitting the halfway mark or close to finishing it, I can usually tell it’s time for a fresh coil. :golf:

Another big factor for me has also been the type of juice I’m vaping. Fruity and dessert flavors are my go-to, but man, they seem to wear coils out quicker. Maybe it’s something in the sweetness or thickness of those flavors, but I definitely notice a faster coil burnout with those. I’ve tried stretching it sometimes, but once you get that “off” taste, there’s no going back! :mirror_ball: :slot_machine:

So, how many mL do you usually go through before changing coils? Any tips to keep them lasting longer, especially with dessert flavors? :lollipop: :candy:I’d love to hear your experiences since we’ve all had those times when we’re low on coils and need to make ‘em last! :recycle: :test_tube:


I don’t measure it out exactly, but when I sense the flavor going south or it doesn’t hit as smoothly, I know it’s time to switch things up.
Sometimes it’s a week, other times it’s two weeks.


wow~ may i ask what flavour is your e-cig? :thinking:

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Mine’s mango and lemon. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Always hits the spot and feels awesome.