My journey activity/tips to sustainable action 🥰

Hello friends, here are the things I do in eco friendly activities.

  1. First, the use of eco bags, in my area the use of plastic is extremely high. I realize that the use of plastic is quite excessive, where plastic trash can be found everywhere without exception.
    for that in my family I started to declare to be plastic-free.
    Like shopping either at the market or super market we still bring an eco bag.
    Although the store provides paper bags, for me it is included in the destruction of nature. Because paper is made from trees that are cut down.
    It is still not in accordance with the principle of eco friendly even though it is true that paper bags are environmentally friendly.

  2. Compost Bag
    Maybe there are still many people who don’t know about compost bags, because here too.
    Compost bags have many benefits:
    1.Reducing organic waste in the garbage
    2.Recycling kitchen waste
    3.Fertilizing garden soil
    4.Utilizing organic waste
    5 Avoiding the use of chemicalfertilizers
    6.Avoiding diseases in crops

  1. Natural soap
    Do you know that soap contains chemicals, and it’s not good for the environment.
    Natural soap can be a solution, to reduce environmental pollution.

  1. The use of electric motors and public transportation
    In addition, the most influential thing in environmental pollution both air is gas emissions from vehicles.
    And also the vehicle fuel is gasoline. In addition to being bad for the environment, the air becomes dirty and harmful to health.
    Reduce the use of private vehicles by utilizing public transportation.
    Usually for areas that are reached by public transportation. I prefer to use it.

  1. Participate in activities that support eco friendly
    By participating in activities that support go green.
    At least we are campaigning for the impact of global warming and reducing the impact of global warming. With the hope of inspiring others to participate and realize the impact of global warming.
    I participated in 2 activities.
    The first is World Cleanup Day (WCD), which almost every city has. The essence of the activity is to sensitize the public not to litter, and to invite people not to hesitate to throw away the garbage that we find. Especially plastic waste which is difficult and long to be decomposed by the soil.
    The second is the tree planting movement.
    I followed it in many places, in the mountains, in the forest, on the beach, and in the city. The point of this activity or campaign is to make us realize that the human population is increasing but there are fewer and fewer trees. Trees contribute clean energy (oxygen) for humans.

I will update other things that I can add, in the commentar.
I only wrote a few that easy to share first.


Using compost bags is an interesting angle of sustainable life~


Awesome! I’m really curious about the compost bag. Should we throw it away as trash, or just wait for it to compost


Sorry for The Pict take by google.
The pict onlyy for illustration :sweat_smile:


Really used admin.
How much benefit can get from compost?


it is very good idea for have compost bag.
If we have a garden like that


Using energy-saving lamps, have you changed your lamps to more efficient ones?
I thought it was just marketing fluff but in reality it does work.


yeah energy-saving light is also a good way to save energy!


Have you thought about how much electricity this could save? I must admit, I sometimes get a bit suspicious of these marketing tricks.


Yupss, That’s right because the lamp turns out to contribute to a very large energy demand, the lamp looks small but when at home with many lights that we use it will be a large enough power demand.


I don’t know for sure, but the power required in the wat is quite lower.


I sometimes think of marketing tricks that sell with deceit :joy:


Lol, yeah there is possibility that it can be hahaha marketing deceit tbh, like healthy food, healthy diet coke


What they do is a marketing technique :joy:
100% bullshit sometimes


They sell the “healthy” label but not the reality.
We have to be smart in buying things, especially parents who are sometimes tempted by marketing sales😅


Yeah! I always tell my parents that there are many spams all over the internet. Please be really careful about quote and quote ‘healthy products.’ The most healthy products are free—healthy lifestyle!


Can you give some review use motorcycle electric?

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