Vape Trick are you know that?

Have you ever heard or seen a vape trick?
Even you can do vape tricks?
Let’s share your experience about vape or tricks that you can do. :grin:


Yeah, I’ve seen and tried a few vape tricks. There was this one time at a party where someone started doing the jellyfish trick—where you blow an O and push it to make a vapor bubble—and it totally stole the show. Everyone was so into it.


I’ve tried some vape tricks too, but let’s just say they don’t always go as planned :joy:. Like, one time at a party, I was trying to impress my friends with smoke rings and ended up coughing halfway through. We couldn’t stop laughing—it was such an epic fail! Another time, I was going for the dragon trick with some buddies, but instead of looking cool, I sneezed and vapor went everywhere :man_facepalming:.